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Let yourself go to the music

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

Wonderful Words

from Anna Liang

This week I’m very excited to hand over the mic to Anna, my right hand woman. All of you who come to my TDC and FD classes know Anna for her great organization abilities and welcoming personality to our class. Those who visit the website, book private classes, and read newsletters know Anna for her tireless work translating my words into Chinese and helping to keep my schedule moving.

While Anna has many talents and I literally could not do half of what I do without her, one of the things I love the most is her ability to inspire me. On days when energy or my mood might be low, Anna can always bring me back to the bigger picture — Why I do what I do and who I want to become. She constantly shares articles, ideas, and motivation that bring support and encouragement whenever I need it. And so, I’m super happy to give her an opportunity to share some of her story and ideas with you this week. I know you’ll find something as valuable as I will in her words!

My mom sent me to a dance studio when I was 5 years old, because she thought I walked like a duck🦆. Since then I had been taking dance classes till college. As a perfectionist, I'd always wanted to be a strong dancer which caused going to dance classes or practices somehow stressful. However, whenever I got tired from studying or felt blue, I would go to the living room, stand in front of the French window, play my favourite music and start dancing. I didn't know how to express my emotion with words, so dancing became my emotional outlet.
When Katie started teaching Zumba, I was invited to her class. After many years without taking a dance class, I was very happy that I could follow along. However, due to past habits and social experiences I focused mostly on my ability and what I think other people think.
A few years later, as my personal goal is to let go of my perfectionism and what other people think of me, I came back to Katie's class. In the beginning, I often found myself doubtfully staring at her while she danced. I asked her: "How do you have such rich facial expressions when you dance?" She then told me that she sees every time she dances as an opportunity to connect with herself or her students.
After almost 3 years of working side by side, I've got the front row seat to see how she operates, and slowly, I realize what she meant. Her abundant facial expressions are coming from her heart - the true enjoyment and happiness. Afterward, I found myself not looking into the mirror as often, sometimes even close my eyes so I can enjoy myself fully immersing in the music. This is my new understanding for living in the moment - fully live through every second as much as I can.

Please note there will be no class on 3/25 as I’ll be out of town for a work event. Have a great week!

Keep moving!



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