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Prerecorded Classes = Fun on Demand!

Student Spotlight on Jamie Beth Julius!

We are now well into our fourth week of dancing online and we’ve really started getting into the groove of things! While this new transition has all been pretty challenging, many of you know that I’ve actually been offering Pre-recorded ZinStudio Zumba classes since early last year when the pandemic began. Now with Taiwan in lockdown, I’m working to bring you THREE prerecorded classes per week!

One of the best things about doing these classes has been hearing from people around the world who I never had the privilege of dancing with IRL. One such person is Jamie Beth Julius who shares some of her thoughts about the prerecorded classes with us below!

I am very excited that Katie is offering online classes! I've been following her for awhile, and the clips I've seen have looked so fun. I'm honestly not the type that would attend an in person class, I'm clumsy ^^. But its very fun to be clumsy in my home without having to worry about doing everything right. I laugh a lot during the classes, get a great work-out, and get to learn how to dance. It's also been a great option to get myself moving while being stuck at home during the pandemic. Thank you, Katie!!

Big thanks to Jamie for sharing her thoughts about pre-recorded classes with us!

So, What makes Pre-recorded classes so great?

  • You can take these classes anytime Monday, Wednesday and Friday 00-23:59 Taiwan time — that means for people in the US like my Mom 💕 that you actually can dance to the same class over two days (ex . 12pm EST on Sunday to 11:59 am Monday, and so on!)

  • I have a library of over 80 different songs I use to create each class, with new songs added in each week. Learn new routines and practice old favorites all the time!

  • You can pause and restart the class as many times as you wish during the 24 hours the class is up so that you practice your moves, repeat songs, or take breaks as you wish!

  • You can take the class more than one time over the course of the 24 hours each class is up.. unlimited dancing for only 150nt / 5USD per class!

And, who are these classes ideal for?

  • People with busy schedules who can’t join in our live stream Zoom classes. Dance at your convenience while the kids are napping, before or after work or whenever you can motivate yourself to press play!

  • Those who have always been interested in joining my classes but live in other countries and time zones.

  • Those with less stable internet connections who worry about lagging during live stream classes. ( although slight lags still happen in prerecorded streaming on occasion if you are far from your WIFI connection - just reload the page!).

  • Everyone from beginners who wish to dance when no one is watching up to advanced students who can push themselves hard!

With so many ways to keep moving , what are you waiting for ? Looking forward to dancing in your home with you soon!

Keep moving!



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