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Writer's picturekatiemovestaipei

#LOOKBACK2018 #回顧2018!

What kept you moving this year?

We’re inching closer to the end of the year, and as always, it’s a time when new beginnings, fresh starts, and resolutions are anxiously awaiting us on the other side of the New Year’s Eve countdown. In just a couple of weeks, we look forward to resetting ourselves, so often uttering the phrase, “This is going to be MY year!”

The end of December 2017 was one of the first times I really reflected on what the previous year had meant to me. As I sat gathered around with friends, we each took a turn to share some of the more defining moments in our lives in 2017. What became clear was that no resolution or ”new leaf” played out as we would have imagined on the first day of that year. We had had triumphs and failures, loss and love, and often painful change happen to us. And yet, through the highs and the lows that the year brought, we had managed to achieve so many things, things that we felt more proud of because of the time, effort, or hardship that was endured. That experience of looking back at the year was a celebration of our accomplishments and how we had kept moving through everything the year had thrown at us.

Each week, I sign off from this letter with “Keep moving!” This week I want to encourage you to look back at this year. What kept you moving physically, emotionally, or mentally this year? Was it the support of your family? A personal desire for growth? A new friend in your workout class? Good music tunes? A healthier diet? What are you proud that you accomplished this year?

Share something that kept you going and helped you amaze even yourself this year with us on instagram or Facebook along with the hashtag #lookback2018 and tag @katiemovestaipei. I’ll share your posts and choose one winner for a Katie Moves Taipei T-shirt! With two weeks to go before the end of the year, I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Keep moving! xx, Katie

轉眼間年底離我們越來越近了,同時新年新希望 ------ 一個嶄新的開始就在跨年倒數的另一端等著我們。再過兩周我們就可以重新設定自己,並向朋友宣示:「這將是我的一年!」

去年年底,我第一次花時間回顧過去的一年對我而言具有什麼樣的意義?和好友圍成一圈輪流分享各自在 2017 年一些特別有意義的時刻。我們發現在 2017 年元旦所許的新希望並沒有達成,但是我們所成就的是:經歷了許多的成功與失敗、愛與離別、以及痛苦的改變。走過這一年的所有高峰與低谷,我們完成了許多事,因為這些事經歷了時間、努力與困難,所以它們也帶給我們加倍的榮耀。回顧過去一年的這個動作,讓我們有時間慶祝所有的成就,也帶給我們在困難中持續前進的動力。


在 IG 或 Facebook 上分享『這一年是什麼支持著你繼續前進的? 』並標記 #lookback2018 和 @katiemovestaipei 我會分享你的貼文並選出一位贏家送給他獨家還買不到的 Katie Moves Taipei 的 Tshirt 唷!還有兩周的時間就到了今年的最後一天,好期待看到你們的分享!


愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯)

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